Facing criminal charges can be a frightening and confusing experience. If you made a mistake or got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, you probably have questions about the charges and potential penalties, your legal rights and options, and how our skilled legal team can resolve your case, mitigate collateral consequences, and help you find support for underlying issues like drug or alcohol addiction. Browse our FAQs for answers.
AllClerk Magistrate HearingsCourt HearingsCriminal DefenseFirearm ChargesOperating Under The Influence (OUI)Sex Crimes
What Is a Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing?
Can Anyone File a Criminal Complaint Against Me?
What is the Difference Between a Grand Jury and a Jury Trial?
Massachusetts Assault With Intent to Commit Rape Lawyer
I Was Arrested and Charged With a First-Time OUI in Massachusetts―Should I Take a Plea Deal?
Norwell Criminal Defense Lawyer
How Can I Be Found Guilty?
What Is the Process in a Massachusetts Domestic Violence Case?
Will My Case Be Tried Before a Judge or a Jury?
What Can I Do to Help Win My Criminal Case?
Operating Under the Influence (OUI) Defense FAQs
Why are OUI arrests so common in Massachusetts?
How Does a Police Officer Determine Impairment?
How Long is my Driver’s License Suspended If I Get Arrested for an OUI?
I’ve been charged with an OUI. What are my options?
What are My Rights If I Get Pulled Over on Suspicion of OUI?
What is probable cause in a Massachusetts domestic violence case?
What’s the Difference Between a Restraining Order and a No-Contact Order?
What happens at a Clerk’s Hearing?
What are the penalties for sexual assault in Massachusetts?
How can accusations of domestic violence affect my child custody case?
How Long Do You Go to Jail for Sexual Assault?
What’s the best defense to a weapons crime in Massachusetts?
Do I Need a Lawyer For a Clerk Magistrate Hearing?
Am I going to jail if convicted?
What should I do If I am falsely accused of sexual assault in Massachusetts?
What is the Age of Consent in Massachusetts?
Do body cavity searches violate my Fourth Amendment rights?
What is Perjury in Massachusetts?
Is an OUI a Misdemeanor or a Felony?
Am I going to jail if convicted?
Can a Gun Charge Be Dismissed?
Can a Bar, Restaurant, or Liquor Store be Held Liable in a Drunk Driving Case?
Can you enlist in the US Military with a Drunk Driving Conviction?
What Should You Do if You’ve Been Arrested While Vacationing on the Cape or Islands
What Do the Police Look for in an OUI Case?
What is the 24D First Offenders Program?
What Are the Penalties if I’m Convicted of an OUI?
How Long Does an OUI Stay On Your Record?
Am I Eligible for a Cahill Disposition?
What Do Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers on a Highway?
Does Massachusetts have an Open Container Law?
How Will a Drunk Driving Conviction Impact My Ability to Go to College?
Will a DUI Conviction affect my ability to get or maintain a Security Clearance?
Legal Representation at How Can I Get My Driver’s License Reinstated After an OUI Arrest or Conviction?
What Are Ignition Interlock Devices?
What is a CWOF?
Are There Any Advantages to Refusing the Field Tests or Breathalyzer
Understanding Expungement Versus Sealing
How Long Will it Take to Resolve My OUI?